Our Senior Speech Pathologist, Lesley, is a passionate responsive feeding therapist who loves working with ‘fussy eaters.’ Responsive Feeding is a neurodivergent-affirming feeding therapy approach for children who may:

  • Refuse new foods

  • Show a preference for one type or texture of food

  • Only eat a small range of foods

  • Eat the same food every day

  • Become upset or anxious at mealtimes

  • Have a limited caloric intake

  • Have delayed oral-motor skills

  • Have sensory processing differences

Lesley works with parents and caregivers who are concerned about their child’s eating and who generally find mealtimes stressful. Here Lesley takes a responsive, warm and trusting approach with children and their families in navigating this journey together.

Feeding therapy can occur in our clinic, however it is preferable for it to occur where the child is most comfortable- in their home.